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Purple Skies

Quotes of Analogy


Travelin'  the difficult trail, but the one that creates those encouraging joyful moments




Enlighten the world with your smile

Family & Friends

We band together to praise the joy and pick each other up when one falls

Purple Skies


The difficult path leads to the innermost immense strength


The Peak Atop makes for the best view 


Let go of any lingering fear holding you back from reaching your full potential

Purple Skies


Instill a positive piece in others in which they will recognize in themself


The top of the mountain is just the base of the next


Even if you don't connect with the one above, strive to reach the best possible version you can be

Purple Skies


You will get in return how you treat yourself and how you treat others, so set the bar high and never look down on anyone


Proper sleep allows you to feel the most alive


Fight for your strength, your goals, and what you believe in

Purple Skies


Everything you do accumulates in a form of preparation for what's next



One can achieve more in 30 minutes than others can in 3 hours with a dedicated plan


It's easy for one to get discouraged, but all those failed attempts are preparing you for that next opportunity to flourish 

Purple Skies


Nobody will ever believe in you more than you believe in yourself


You are the author and founder of your own story


Being honest with yourself means your very disciplined.

When lies become habit 

the truth becomes a task 

Purple Skies


Inside us all is that extra ounce, press that pedal to the floor and go further than your mind will let you.


Be a leader, be a light, and be a team player. 


You don't always get to shoot and pass, sometimes we fight to not let ourselves fall back. 

Purple Skies


How good can you make it when you don't have your A game, or when you're fighting through that storm


We as people are similar to the galaxies above, the more together we are, the brighter the glow is. 


Our road doesn't need to be paved, every path with always have a ravine to cross, a mountain to climb, and a body of water to maneuver by

Purple Skies


We are who we surround ourselves with and also the environment we choose to be in


Trees can't grow their full length in a pot, similar to people improving, we cannot heal until the roots are addressed and have that room to grow. 

Breaking Point

When nothing makes sense, always remember even a glow stick has to break to see its full effect.

Purple Skies

Work Ethic

Give in

Give up


Give it all you got. 


The pledge of allegiance is our religion and freedom as Americans: 

"One Nation, 

Under God"

Quality of Life

Accept or forget 

Learn or blame

Embrace or deny 

Take a chance or regret 

Topographic map

"Evolution signatures change, while screen time may lead to lost faith, always remember there is still real life to be lived" 

-Trey Massey


"What truly matters is the generation to come are whom live in our reminiscence... let's put our ego's aside and make it about them"

-Trey Massey 

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